Returning or new visitors will find strategies for staying healthy during quarantine. As businesses begin to open up, Americans will reintroduce normal activity into everyday lives. Until then, digestive health needs are becoming more concerning as everyday activity becomes more sedentary.

Creating a healthy workday schedule working from home:

While many American workers are continuing to work from home, even after quarantine is planned to end, the amount of time that is spent sedentary rises. Professionals working on their laptops and computer drill through the workday trying to stay in the zone and focused. Avoiding distractions can be very challenging as many of us have discovered.

However, there are plenty of moments of opportunity in a seemingly mundane workday from home. For starters, those strolls to the restroom can turn into time for lunges or skipping. Getting your heart rate up is healthy for the digestive system, heart, and work ethic.

A health way to organize the work day entirely is simple. Schedule a time to begin and end routinely. This means, every day should look the same.

Plan and prepare meals:

In doing so, meal prepping becomes easier. Prepare by planning breakfast, or your first day of the day, by packing in protein. This is a great time for healthy carbs such as fruit as well.

Speak with a nutritionist and gastro doctor about what diet is best for your digestive issues. It is easy to get off track with our eating habits when no one is watching. Many work friends band together and help each other lose weight.

It can be challenging when you are home alone or busy juggling kids, conference calls, and answering emails. Although we know it may be difficult on mangers and business owners, it can be very demanding on employees juggling life at home during these times. Working from home is not as cut and dry as it was in the office.

This makes it that much more important to plan and prepare meals. If you have children of any age home that would usually be in school, it is extremely challenging to balance work and parent life. Allocate some time in the week to prepare small, labeled plastic bags or bins for each child to easily access healthy snacks.

This will leave you with more time to work without interruption. Any time you do not have to be in front of food, is less time you will be tempted to snack and mindlessly eat. Designating a workspace is very important as well.

Sanitization is the name of the game:

Regularly clean high traffic areas and areas heavily touched. The same goes for your children’s and partner’s spaces. Daily sanitation is always important, but even more so now.

Thorough wipe downs will prevent the spread of this virus, so follow through with regular sanitizing. Remember to use at least seventy percent alcohol hand sanitizer or it will not kill the virus on your hands. If you or your partner works in an area exposed to COVID-19, remove clothes or scrubs before entering the house to prevent unnecessary exposure.

When ordering or bringing in groceries, do so in a designated area for the same reasons. Put your wallet, phone, keys, purse, briefcase, or any other regularly used items on the daily sanitization list. Consider putting shoes in a designated bin at the front door to prevent the virus or any bacteria being lugged around your house.

Treating digestive health needs at home:

Contact of our office to discuss how you can tend to your digestive health needs safely with our Gastroenterology Consultants of Central Florida.

Staff Writer