We welcome back all returning readers and new readers alike. In last week’s article, we shared helpful ways to keep your digestive system healthy in quarantine. Although, we know it should always be a priority, humans are not always the best at eating what is best at the best time. For this reason, Telehealth Orlando gastro doctors are sharing ways to relieve medical attention safely during quarantine.

Move your body and bowel movements:

Quarantine is like an intensified state of life. It is almost like a war zone for some on the front lines helping treat sick patients or testing those that may be sick with COVID-19. For others, it may seem like a mind-numbing vacation that just never ends.

We all hope there is an end in site eventually, but until then, we find it is the most opportune time to work on yourself. Working on yourself does not only mean fixing up your look or reinventing your style- although these things may make you feel more perky. Working on yourself can look like, picking up a book instead of flipping on a television, picking up a bag of carrots and hummus instead of a bag of chips, and lastly, it can mean putting your body in less sedentary situations.

As the public opens up and park are readily available, gastro doctors encourage patients to get out and exercise at a safe distance. Avoid crowds, remain at least six feet from other people not in your quarantine household, and avoid touching surfaces as much as possible. While humans exercise, we use our body for what it was made for: movement!

How our bodies are intended to operate:

Our bodies are made to move the majority of the day. Many Floridians may complain about the heat, but the heat can really help with plenty of digestive health issues. The heat tends to make us sweat.

Sure, many people do not want to sweat and take a shower every day. Sounds like a lot of work. However, sweating is the natural way the body detoxes.

Toxins come out of pores while we sweat. Our heart rates increases which is great for our hearts and lungs. There are endless benefits to getting out and partaking in a early morning or late afternoon stroll, to avoid the hottest and brightest hours of the day.

Similarly, the heat helps our digestive system get moving. As we sweat and our body temperature increases, we tend to pass bowel movements more easily. Although exercising is great for the majority of the population, always consult with your doctor before engaging in any new physical activity.

Safe medical attention with Telehealth Orlando gastro doctors:

Next week, we are continuing to share simple but affective ways to keep patients’ bodies healthy during this time of quarantine and as we return to work. Our Orlando gastro doctors work endlessly to help all patients solve any digestive health issues. Call today to schedule a Telehealth appointment.

Do not put off pain any longer. If you suffer from stomach pains, cramps, bleeding, or irregular bowel movements, call today for Telehealth care.

Staff Writer