Last week, we shared was to stay healthy and even lose weight in a healthy manner during quarantine. Now, we are sharing more strategies for staying healthy during quarantine. For those that feel their health has been possibly affected by the Coronavirus, Telehealth is a safe quarantine healthcare option at your Orlando Gastro.

Signs of COVID-19 or digestive issues?:

If you have felt unusual fatigue, this may be a sing of COVID-19. Gastro issues have many symptoms including fatigue. Fatigue can further hinder getting healthy during quarantine, so getting answers swiftly will be the best bet for feeling better. The use of virtual visits in efforts to avoid the spread of the virus.

Telemedicine is a safe way of treating patients. This extends the efforts of containing the spread at hospitals, clinics, and medical offices like ours. Thanks to the incredible medical community, we are able to join in on these efforts.

Patients may simple call to make an appointment or inquire online. Normal questions that may be discussed in traditional face-to-face visits will still be asked. Rest assured, your quality of care will be the same, but of course, traditional examination may be a little different.

Telemedicine boasts stories of patients calling in after recent international travel. Tokyo had been his last stop. He reported a cough and fever about a week prior to the Telehealth call. Because he felt fine, he was forwarded to speak to a doctor.

COVID-19 buzz words:

After hearing all buzz words linked to the coronavirus such as fatigue, fever, cough, and travel, the doctor said he did not need to be admitted. Instead, he was sent to the city’s health department. This greatly helps hospitals treat patients that truly need the beds and emergency medical attention.

Although Telehealth is not exactly new in the world, this option is not often used in the United States. COVID-19 has greatly increased its use for the better. This not only reduces the stress and crowds in hospitals, it also reduces the amount of stress in Americans’ households. Knowing your are going to be okay and do not need to rush to the hospital is incredibly reassuring. Being seen on your computer or cellphone is quick, safer, and convenient for those with children home from school as well.

Many healthcare professionals have shared this is going to be critical in managing this pandemic, so our offices are surely offering this modality. Telemedicine recently received a large boost of about $8.3 billion emergency funding. This ensures its restrictions are loosened for people covered under the federal Medicare program.

Orlando gastro Telehealth for Quarantine healthcare:

Telehealth aids those seeking gastro attention. Today, we expand on how you can stay healthy during quarantine and social distancing. Even for those returning to normal face-to-face work days, all tips can still be applied.

Come back again next time for ways to stay healthy during quarantine. Help our Orlando community prevent the spread of COVID-19 while protecting yourself and others. Call today to utilize this incredible advancement in quarantine healthcare.

Staff Writer