In previous weeks, we introduced, explained, and discussed sweeteners. This topic is very close to heart for Orlando gastro doctors and others living with health related issues. Now that you are back, we are sharing more sweeteners and what it means for the upcoming Thanksgiving foods everyone can enjoy.

There may be a handful of ingredients you must avoid in foods due to gastrointestinal issues or intolerances. For others, they may have the freedom to indulge all year long. Every holiday and birthday, those can eat until they’re content.

However, those with IBS or gut issues may have to keep a lookout. Perhaps it is dairy, gluten, or sugar you must avoid. Remember to inform your host this Thanksgiving holiday of any intolerance or food allergy in your family.

Orlando gastro doctors:

We all know at least one person with a lactose intolerance. You may also know someone with a sugar allergy or intolerance. You have never heard of it?

You are not alone. Many people are not even aware a sugar allergy or sugar intolerance exits before visiting a gastroenterologist. We should first begin with the basics.

Sugar is a carbohydrate and is in just about anything you eat. It is found naturally in foods such as fruits. It is also added to drinks and foods.

Organic and non gmo symbols may lead you to believe there is no added sugar. But you must keep an eye out for that label as that is not at all guaranteed in organic or non gmo products. Confirm that there is no added sugar by reading the ingredient on the product label.

Glucose is the body’s main source of energy. Sucrose is table sugar as we discusses in a recent blog. Sucrose is a mixture of glucose and fructose.

Table sugar is white and made from either beets or sugar cane. Fructose is sugar from fruit. Lastly, lactose is the main sugar in milk and other dairy products.

Symptoms of sugar allergy:

Now, we are not saying these are only symptoms of sugar allergies. These symptoms are those of sugar allergy and should be discussed with a medial professional. Keep in mind, if you experience any of these symptoms, write down what you ate the last few hours.

Contact the office of our Orlando gastro doctors here at Gastroenterology Consultants of Central Florida.   For those that experience cramping, diarrhea, skin rash, or itchy mouth after eating sugar, you may have a sugar allergy.

Just like other intolerances versus allergies, there are differences. Most of us have certain foods or ingredients that just make us feel not so hot. Bloating, cramping, and gas may occur after ingesting these foods.

Likewise, this does not mean that you have a true allergy to that food or ingredient. A food allergy reaction is one that occurs when your immune system overreacts to a food protein interpreting it as harmful according to Food Allergy Research & Education.

Food intolerance is that reaction of trouble digesting. Basically, a food intolerance causes digestive issues, and this is where our Orlando gastro doctors come into play. Discuss the foods or ingredients you are weary of.

Let’s figure this out together. Make an appointment to discuss which foods tend to cause bloating and digestive chaos. With the holidays approaching, it is so great to know which foods to avoid, so you aren’t uncomfortable or running to the restroom.

Come back next time for more on this series!

Staff Writer