IBS and holiday travelThose patients suffering from IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) may find the disorder is heightened during the holidays. This is when we most often interrupt our normal schedules with increased travel and changes in our diet. Our blog post today will be a discussion providing tips to deal with IBS symptoms during the holidays. The holidays are there to enjoy the festivities and IBS symptoms can be minimized with a few smart ideas.

Remembering to pack your medication:

Dealing with the holidays, meeting with family and eating differently is stressful enough without leaving your medication behind. It can be difficult to remember to take your daily medications during this busy holiday season. But to maintain your best health, and to keep symptoms at bay, you must pack your meds and take them on time. A great idea is to set up reminders on your smart phone (and all of us have one these days or at least most of us). If you have no smart phone then you could set up a reminder in a journal or diary that you carry with you.

Make sure that you pack enough medication to last for the entire trip. It is very difficult to fill prescriptions in a city you are not familiar with and there is no need to do this. Refill all prescriptions prior to leaving on any holiday trip and keep them with you at all times. Include any over the counter medicines as well to make sure you have relief for antacid, etc.

Pack smart for travel with IBSIBS patients should pack smart for holiday travel:

When you make those holiday reservations away from home, be sure to bring along any medications you normally take daily. IBS patients should especially pack smart for holiday travel. They may suffer from diarrhea or other uncomfortable symptom. This happens often from eating on the road and consuming foods not normally eaten daily at home. Bring additional clothing to take care of any emergencies and situations that might occur at a family gathering. Choose comfortable clothing rather than tight fitting  attire. Many people experience bloating at the holidays which is brought on by eating habits being changed. Wearing comfy clothing will help to reduce the pressure you may feel from bloating after eating too much.

A change in the diet and enjoying holiday goodies:

We all know the holidays are all about food and usually it is the time we are eating rich, high-fat foods. These foods can worsen IBS symptoms. The best rule of thumb when attending holiday functions is to not load up on the foods you normally do not consume. Take smaller portions and avoid the foods that you know will make you sick. Consider trying gluten-free alternatives when available and take them with you when you travel. Carrying foods with you that are safer to eat will help you to not feel left out as others are eating foods which you know you should be avoiding. If you are lactose intolerant, there are many products you can use in your recipes to replace dairy.

Gluten-free pancakesChoosing the right foods for holiday travel:

If you are flying to a location take that into account and during the flight it is best to avoid eating foods which could cause IBS symptoms. Choose gut-friendly snacks to take aboard the plane. IBS Friendly Travel Snacks might include pancakes, sliced veggies and fruit, rice crackers or rice cakes. These foods are normally versatile and generally gluten and dairy-free. Ask the stewardess for some nuts if nothing else is available.

Planning sleeping accommodations for the trip:

If you are suffering with IBS it is doubly important for you to make advance plans for any holiday travel. Take into account that staying with relatives may bring its own issues for those suffering from IBS. If the budget allows it is always a better idea to book a hotel with room to bath and relax in private. Choose a hotel and sleeping arrangements that offer you the best comfort away from home. Those hotels with restaurants on site are best since they offer a large array of food choices.

One of the most important considerations is to plan out bathroom locations in advance, and this is crucial whether you are staying with relatives or choosing other accommodations. Staying with a relative with only one bathroom can bring about an unfortunate and unpleasant situation. The idea is to take control and avoid any unneeded stress. Holiday travel can be fun and memorable with careful planning.

IBS Symptoms at homeWhen you are expecting guests at home:

Don’t take on more than you can handle at the holidays. Welcoming guests at your home can also cause additional stress and can bring on IBS symptoms. Encourage family members to pitch in and help with the cooking and preparing for visitors.

Take care of your gastroenterology health and take the time you need to rest and to eat well. IBS patients find that eating smaller meals during the day work well to keep symptoms in check. Making those big meals for family members may occupy your time. However, take into account that you should take smaller portions yourself and stay away from eating in between meals to control your IBS.

Conclusion:  Follow this advice for holiday travels

  • Pick an aisle seat when traveling by plane
  • Bring all medications
  • Bring your own food on the trip
  • Pack reusable water bottles
  • Pack comfy clothing
  • Keep your normal routine
  • Stay only in a room with a kitchen
  • Order off-menu whenever possible
  • Ask for relatives to help for home visitors

IBS and overeating at holidaysGive yourself the gift of exercise at the holidays:

  • Working out helps to get rid of that holiday weight gain
  • Exercise will lessen holiday stress & seasonal depression

Thanks for stopping by our website. The staff at Gastroenterology Associates of Central Florida wish all of you a happy holiday season. Take care and contact us for any IBS symptoms. Schedule a meeting with our physicians to maintain your best health.

Staff Writer