Many people reported feeling down during the quarantine. Now with public places opening up and restaurants allowing patrons in, we have more options of what we can eat quickly and conveniently. Today, we are sharing ways to feel better in and out of isolation with a low FODMAP diet.

Diets that are healthy:

The word diet sometimes has a negative connotation. For example, if you share with friends that you are doing an all liquid diet to fit into a designer dress that was on sale, we would agree that is not a healthy choice. However, there are some dietary changes, or diets, patients may implement into their lives to see a positive change in their overall health and energy levels.

The term diet does not always mean quick, easy, and temporary. For some, the term diet mean a new perspective and approach to feel and be healthier overall. The acronym FODMAP is being widely discussed recently on the internet.

While most of the world was confined to the measurements of homes, the pantry and fridge became their favorite destination. Cooking and baking can be very therapeutic. Do not get us wrong, cooking and baking at home can actually make you much healthier.

Rather than purchasing timely, tasty foods, making your own meals can help you control and count the nutrients you are consuming. For instance, a sandwich at home may be under four hundred calories while a sandwich advertised as healthy and organic may be close to a thousand calories. Although the ingredients may be wholesome, it does not mean this is a good choice in terms of daily life.

What is FODMAP?:

FODMAP foods contain certain types of carbohydrates which can cause digestive issue for many individuals. Studies have proven eating a diet full of low FODMAP foods can help improve symptoms of IBS, or irritable bowel syndrome.

FODMAP actually stands for: fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols. We have plenty of clients coming in to see us in person or calling us via modern health technology. Call us today to discuss those options.

Telehealth may be an option for you if you have been effected by COVID-19 or are at risk and are avoiding leaving self-isolation. IBS affects nearly eleven percent of the world’s population. It is a gastrointestinal disorder which can become more tolerable with the correct diet and eating habits.

Eating specific foods to decrease digestive issues:

The FODMAP diet was created in Melbourne, Australia. Peter Gibson lead the group of researchers. He discovered that the FOMAP diet actually improved IBS symptoms. Of course, the gastro world rejoiced.

This diet organizes foods as low and high. For people with digestive health issues, the low FODMAP foods are great for reducing painful symptoms. However, if someone is intolerant of a certain food, it can be considered a high FODMAP for that individual.

If you are intolerant of a certain food, do not assume this food will be okay for you to eat. On the contrary, it may just worsen symptoms.

Next week, we will share more on the low FODMAP foods. Contact us today if you think you would benefit from this approach. Do not switch up your eating habits before seeking use first.

Be careful and remember to stay at a six-foot distance from others, wear a mask, and get COVID-19 testing immediately if you have any symptoms at all.

Staff Writer