In past posts, we have shared valuable information on IBS, or Irritable Bowel Syndrome. In today’s blog, we will be sharing the difference between IBS and IBD. Digestive issues can cause pain and discomfort, so find out what local gastro doctors can do for you.

Digestive health issues:

Orlando gastro doctors at Gastroenterology Consultants of Central Florida offer a variety of medical services. For starters, the office gets plenty of patients that have never been to a gastroenterologist before. We enjoy thoroughly explaining what can be done on their firs visit to give patients a prompt diagnosis.

We understand it can be very uncomfortable and stressful having digestive health issues. IBS can interfere with normal, routine activities such as work, exercise, and social events. Consider a normal day.

At work, it is embarrassing and inconvenient to run to the restroom multiple times an hour. On top of that, this may not be possible for some fields. Imagine a field where you must take coworkers and clients out for lunch or dinner.

As you can imagine, this would be complicated. If it is someone’s birthday at the office and you cannot join everyone for lunch or cake, it would put a damper on camaraderie. If any of these situations sound familiar, do not power through it.

Contact our office for an initial examination to discuss your options. Now that we have you here, let’s get into the details. What is the difference between IBS and IBD?

How IBS affects the way you feel:

Irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS, is a common disorder. It affects the large intestine which causes cramping, gas, diarrhea, bloating, constipation, or abdominal pain. In some cases, patients experience all of these symptoms.

Sometimes, people think they ate something bad our too much of a specific ingredient. However, they may be experiencing common IBS symptoms. Before eating, take note of how you feel.

After eating, take note of how you feel again. Tracking foods may help narrow down the possibilities of intolerances. However, IBS is a chronic condition that will be treated and tended to long-term.

The more a patient is aware of, the more questions they can ask in their visits. Our Orlando gastro doctors are just a phone call away. Future conversation can be more beneficial with a little IBS background information, so let’s get into it.

Keep in mind, only a small number of people with IBS suffer from severe signs and symptoms. Patients experience abdominal pain, cramping, and often times bloating with irritable bowel syndrome. These symptoms may or may not pass after a bowel movement.

Excessive gas is normal for patients with irritable bowel syndrome. Diarrhea or constipation can be the symptoms that drive people into the office. Planning for anything in advance may cause anxiety due to the uncertainty of IBS symptoms.

Mucus in stool is also commonly reported to gastro doctors. Most people with IBS experiences time without symptoms. Other times, the symptoms may be severe and less manageable.

Your local Orlando Gastroenterologist:

Making time to see a local Orlando gastroenterologist may be the difference between a life ruled by IBS and a symptom-free life. Call our office today to make your appointment. Be sure to explain if you need to be seen quickly due to unbearable symptoms.

Join us again next week as we explain IBS and IBD further. Be sure to wash your hands regularly and avoid touching your face. Avoid large crowds and close contact

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