As most Americans are staying home most of their days, plenty are considering ways to improve their daily lives. Even after quarantine, self-isolation, and social distancing, these positive life changes will continue to show physical and mental results. For those feeling stuck at home during these odd times, we are sharing how to stay healthy in quarantine.

Stay healthy in quarantine:

Now, most Americans are continuously trying new diets and food trends. However, the longevity of these trendy diets are usually more harmful than beneficial.  Of course, in cases of obesity, the fat may be lost very rapidly.

As long as the fat is lost in a healthy way and is monitored by a doctor, this should be fine. It is the long-term effects that doctors hope to see, so if people lose fifteen pounds, it should not be immediately regained. The goal of losing weight is to truly lose it for good, not for it to be gained back right away.

You may be asking how that is done. For each individual person, the answer is different. Of course, the healthiest way to lose weight is to exercise and eat proper nutrients at correct times. To maintain that new healthy weight or structure, no drastic changes should be made.

While eating sub par, you may have noticed your overall energy and complexion lacked. These are both signs that the foods, drinks, and supplements you are consuming are not benefiting your body. Some people think they should give a supplement shake diet a go.

They see the pounds shedding off, yet they experience unusual bowel moments. Additionally, they feel cramps they have never felt after eating. Never ignore the body’s messages.

The new cramping may be a sign of digestive issues that should not be overlooked. Take a look at the ingredients on any food labels that seem to cause cramps after ingesting. This foods may be to be retired or revisited.

Once you find a trouble food, discuss this with your gastroenterologist. There may be a way to continue eating this food or ingredient. Ignoring foods that cause cramps or bloating after consumption will most likely cause long-term effects.

For instance, if you were to eat an ice cream sundae and straight away pains follow, there may be an underlying intolerance. Here are a few tips for self-care during quarantine. Although this can be a very trying time, it is also an opportune time to improve overall health, including mental health.

Be mindful while eating:

Yes, it may sound silly to say we can actually get healthier during quarantine, but hear us out. During stressful times, people tend to self-soothe. Self-soothing may be positive or unhealthy. Choose to self-soothe in a positive light and learn how to stay healthy in quarantine.

First, we may reach for an extra handful of chips while watching a movie. However, if this becomes a daily occurrence, it may develop into a snowball effect. Snacking can also be dangerous, so take the time to log your food into a food diary or app on your phone.

Take a look at what that looks like after a few days, and remember, you have the time. Do not cheat yourself. If this does not look ideal, take an hour and do some research on what your daily intake should look like.

Even better, contact a gastroenterologist and nutritionist to discuss your new goals. Next, log your new daily food and drink consumption. Next week, we are continuing this discussion as quarantine continues.

Staff Writer