Boosting the immune system is very important this time of year. Because of COVID-19, it is even more important to keep the immune system strong. Follow along in our series where our Gastroenterologists in Orlando share ways to boost immunity.

Natural ways to boost immunity:

There are plenty of ways to keep the immune system strong. However, some ways are proven more effective and better for overall health. Let’s go over the more natural, easy ways patients can boost immunity.

First, be sure to get quality sleep. Some technology will give patients insight the quality of sleep they are actually getting. Even though you fell asleep at ten, your body may have no gotten the quality sleep it needed throughout the entire night.

Mattress quality, pillow quality, light, and noise can truly affect the quality of sleep one gets. Having a sleep study done will give you reliable insight into the sort of sleep you are really getting. Until then, try out a smart watch.

Most smart watches monitor heartrate which can reflect breathing patterns. Some people have sleep disorders such as sleep apnea which involves breathing interruption. Getting sufficient sleep is dire to having optimal body defenses.

Sleep apnea symptoms may include:

  • snoring
  • restless sleep
  • insomnia
  • morning headaches
  • sleepiness
  • lack of energy during the daytime
  • decrease in sex drive
  • mood changes
  • irritability

Getting in some exercise:

Exercising regularly at least one hundred fifty minutes per week is beneficial to overall health and immunity. It does not need to be intense, just moderate. Consult your doctors about what exercises are best for you.

Eating a healthy, balanced diet that is high in fruits and vegetables are best for nourishing you and your family as well. Try out apps to plan ahead. One of the best tips for eating balanced meals is to use apps which ensure the nutrients are sufficient.

Exercising and eating healthy go hand in hand. When people exercise, they are likely to crave more healthy foods. Similarly, before exercising, people are not very likely to choose unhealthy foods for pre-workout meals. If they do, they are unlikely to make that mistake again.

Eating healthy foods also helps with getting better sleep. Collectively, all of these healthy choices will better your overall health and boost immunity. This brings us to our next tip.

Maintaining a healthy weight comes along with eating healthy and exercising. Once you have been making better food choices over time, you are likely to maintain a healthy weight. When people over eat or eat unhealthy foods, they usually experience a lack of energy.

Making good daily choices:

This lack of energy is bad for continuing a long-term exercise regimen, so aim to be disciplined in all daily decisions. Reducing stress is fantastic for strengthening the immune system. When our bodies are stresses, we release a chemical called cortisol which counteracts the immune defenses.

Exercise is also a great way to relieve stress, so if you cannot cut out some stresses such as financial issues or job tasks, increase exercise. Trying different types of exercises is usually more enjoyable than hopping on a treadmill too.

Maintaining a regular exercise regimen is just as great for reducing digestive health issues. Reducing stress, eating healthy, and exercising all reduce painful symptoms.

Come back next week as we share great information on boosting the immune system. We look forward to hearing from you soon. See you next time!

Staff Writer