Gastroenterologists treat numerous patients with abdominal pain and discomfort. Some of these patients have celiac disease. There are certain signs you may have celiac disease, so consult a doctor if you show any signs as the treatment may be simple or painless.

Signs of celiac disease for adults:

One common reason for visiting Gastroenterology Consultants of Central Florida is for the treatment of celiac disease. Adult and children patients usually experience various symptoms. For adults, the most common symptoms are diarrhea, weight loss, and fatigue. Adults may also experience bloating, gas, and constipation which leads to nausea or vomiting.

Because more than half of the adults with celiac disease experience symptoms unrelated to the digestive system, it is important to be informed on these. Anemia is an unexpected sign to most as a result of iron deficiency. Also, the lack of nutrition can cause osteoporosis which is the loss of bone density.

Similarly, there may be damage to dental enamel or appearance of mouth ulcers. Softening of bones called osteomalacia and joint pain point to celiac disease as well. For children, signs may look extraordinarily different or identical, so read ahead.

Symptoms a child may have:

In children, it is very important to treat celiac disease as malabsorption affects growth and developmentceliac disease as well as cause adult-like symptoms mentioned above. In children under two, there may be chronic diarrhea, vomiting, swollen belly, muscle wasting, failure to thrive, or a poor appetite.

Children over two may experience all of the same symptoms as children under two. Additionally, they may have delayed puberty and more serious effects. If your child has ADHD or trouble focusing, they may be neurological symptoms. Look out for headaches, lack of coordination, and even seizures as these are all signs to be tested for celiac disease.

On the surface signs:

Intestinal gluten intolerance can be quite uncomfortable on the outside of your body. Dermatitis herpetiformis is a skin disease that stems from this intolerance. It can be found on knees, elbows, torso, scalp, and buttocks.

If your child is pale, failing to grow as quickly as others, or seems irritable, it is time to make an appointment to see a gastroenterologist. Do not change your diet because of your recent findings as this has the potential to change test results your doctor will run. Consider seeing a doctor if someone in your family has celiac disease even if you are not showing any signs as it tends to run in families.

Celiac DiseaseThe diet for a disease:

Going out to restaurants over the passed few years, you may have noticed signs advertising gluten-free menu options that were not there before. Supermarkets have entire sections now designated to this specific label, and countless brands have made gluten-free versions of their products. So what exactly is this trend all about?

Although some people may try a gluten-free diet for weight-loss or increased energy, this is not the reason for some people following this restrictive way of eating. According to the Mayo Clinic, a gluten-free diet excludes the protein gluten. Gluten is found in most pastas, breads, and even unexpected foods such as soy sauce or cookies.

For people with celiac disease, specialists report that gluten triggers immune system activity which damages the lining of the small intestine. After some time, the body will not absorb the nutrients it needs from the food leaving damage. Doctors recommend cutting out gluten to calm symptoms, and usually patients get a great deal of relief after sticking to this new way of eating.

Due to the unsettling damage done to some people that were unaware of having celiac disease, doctors insist on speaking with healthcare professionals that specialize in celiac disease. Your gastroenterologist may recommend seeing a dietician.

It’s complicated:

Going without treatment for celiac disease can cause a plethora of complications. The following are some complications if left untreated:

  • malnutrition
  • loss of bone density
  • infertility
  • miscarriage
  • lactose intolerance
  • cancer
  • neurological issues

Where did this come from:

While there are many symptoms of this disease, it may be hard to narrow down the causes. Many people with celiac disease may feel overall body changes. Not everyone that has this disease is born with it, so stay in tune with your body for any signs.

People may develop celiac disease as an adult after years of never having symptoms. Some people test negative for the disease but still have a positive intestinal biopsy according to Celiac Disease Foundation. Although patients may never have symptoms of the disease, they may still test positive.

Leave it to the professionals and make an appointment today if you feel you may be showing signs of a digestive health issue. Thank you for reading this week’s blog, and come back next week for more beneficial information!

Staff Writer