Last time, we began discussing what digestive health issues gastroenterologists treat. This week, we want to do the same, but we would like to share which symptoms our doctors are proficient in recognizing. Join us for this week’s digestive health discussion.

Symptoms you may have that warrant a trip to a gastro doctor:

digestive Patients often report they experience abdominal pain. This is one of the most common symptoms patients endure. There are many diseases and digestive issues that cause abdominal pain, so doctors must look for other symptoms to narrow down the possibilities.

Indigestion, diarrhea, constipation, and nauseas are also other symptoms that can point to a multitude of issues. The problem is, further testing such as x-rays may yield abnormal findings. So this is when gastroenterologists becomes digestive system detectives.

An experienced and well qualified doctor asks the right questions to pinpoint possible culprits. Unexpected weightless or vomiting may lead regular doctors to think it is just severe stress the patient may be experiencing.

However, these two symptoms are signs of serious digestive health issues or diseases. Malabsorption may be a more subtle symptom. You may not notice rectal bleeding as well which is alarming and calls for immediate medical attention.

Other areas of the body, besides abdominal or the digestive tract, can display symptoms which require you to visit a gastroenterologist. Difficulty swallowing may begin in the esophagus or back area of the mouth. This symptom is not in your lower body, but it is a symptom that can be acknowledged at  Gastroenterology Consultants of Central Florida.

Likewise, heartburn and jaundice are other symptoms that need to be addressed by our doctors. Come to us for answers.

Diseases gastroenterologists treat:

digestive Moving along, we would like to point out, even if you have been seen by a gastroenterologist you may seek our doctor’s attention for further results. It is possible you have been seen by a gastroenterologist but have not received answers or proper treatment. Our doctors strive to provide answers and treatment to the best of their abilities.

People of all ages have digestive diseases which require treatment provided by experienced doctors. One major accident patients mistakingly make is seeking medical attention from primary care or family care physicians without additional attention of gastroenterologists. Digestive health issues are serious, complex, and ambiguous problems that require more specialized care.

What diseases our doctors treat:

Although it may be incredibly scary getting diagnosed with a disease or issue, our doctors are incredibly experienced and will provide exceptional care. We will work together with your to get down to the root of your disease and assess a proper treatment plan. Some disease take more time to develop a treatment plan, but we will be with you every step of the way.

While some diseases are more manageable, when treated correctly, others are quite serious and will require additional doctors to complete your care team. Any route, we will help build that personalized team for your best results. Let’s begin listing the conditions gastroenterologists treat.

Colon cancer:

digestive Colorectal cancer is the the third most common. Colon cancer is the cancer of the colon, the large intestine. The colon is the final part of your digestive tract. The good, and bad, part of how most cases of colon cancer begins is as a small and benign clump of cells. Note that benign means noncancerous.

This clump of cells is called adenomatous polyps. Over time, these polyps can become cancerous. Polyps may be very small and produce few or no symptoms at all. Because the cancer may not produce any symptoms, this makes it extremely important to get regular screening tests.

Our doctors screen for cancers, but also remove polyps before they turn into cancer. People with colon cancer may have bloody stool, rectal bleeding, unexpected weight loss, or a change in bowel habits. More surprisingly related symptoms include constipation, fatigue, or gas.

People may mistake their symptoms as IBD or other issues that may not seem as serious. Patients may put off seeing a gastroenterologist for this very reason. Do not put off seeing a gastroenterologist for any symptoms mentioned before.

Even if you do not get diagnosed with any major issue, it is not a wasted visit. Regular screening and preventative measures can put you on a healthy track for a disease-free future. Please make an appointment today to take care of your overall health.

Thank you for stopping by and becoming informed. Come back next time for more digestive health news!

Staff Writer