In our most recent post, visitors read about a few tips doctors share to relieve IBS symptoms. In today’s blog, we are sharing more information on celiac disease. Following along for more.

Celiac disease:

The precise cause for celiac disease is not know. We do know that genes combined with eating foods that contain gluten along with other factors will contribute to celiac disease. In some cases, celiac disease becomes active after surgery, pregnancy, childbirth, viral infection or severe emotional stress.

It is when the body’s immune system overreacts to gluten that the tiny, hair like projections that line the small intestine are damaged. These projections are called villi. The villi absorb vitamins, minerals, and other necessary nutrients from the food a person eats.

When the villi are damage, the person affected cannot get enough nutrients no matter how much they eat or how many supplements they take. Those at risk for celiac disease are people that have the following risks:

  • Type one diabetes
  • A family member with celiac disease
  • Dermatitis herpetiformis
  • Down syndrome
  • Turner syndrome
  • Microscopic colitis
  • Addison’s disease

Complications of untreated celiac disease:

Celiac disease is not very serious. However, like most small issues if left untreated, it can cause complications. Untreated celiac disease can cause malnutrition.

If the small intestine cannot absorb enough nutrients, this will of course call a huge impact on your overall health. Malnutrition can then lead to anemia and weight loss. In children, this will impact physical and mental growth.

Malabsorption of calcium and vitamin D can lead to osteomalacia or rickets. This is present when the bones soften in children. Bone density is lost in adults which doctors refer to as osteopenia or osteoporosis.

Infertility and miscarriage become a risk as well. When the body is not absorbing enough calcium and vitamin D, it can contribute to reproductive issues. Lactose intolerance may become an issue for people that do not seek celiac disease treatment.

When there is damage done to the small intestine, there may be abdominal pain and diarrhea after consuming dairy that contain lactose. Once the intestine is healed, dairy products may be consumed once again without the risk of pain or bowel issues.

Those that do not properly get treated for celiac disease have a higher risk for developing several forms of cancer. This is very serious and must be taken seriously. Patients that do not get medical attention for celiac disease may develop small bowel cancer or intestinal lymphoma.

In some cases, people with celiac disease can develop problems such as seizures or peripheral neuropathy. This is a disease of the nerves to the hands and feet. Nervous system problems may occur, so once again, be sure to seek medial attention for celiac disease.

Celiac disease treatment:

Contact our Orlando gastro doctors today to discuss celiac disease and other gastro issues you may have. Make an appointment for a safe in-person visit or a safer one via telehealth.

Staff Writer