Gastroenteritis may be painful, but with the help of Gastroenterology Consultants of Central Florida, patients may experience relief the same day. For those experiencing symptoms of gastroenteritis, contact our office to be seen as soon as possible. Today, readers will learn ways they can prevent gastroenteritis or at least reduce their risk for contracting it.

What can you do to prevent gastroenteritis?:

Last time you dropped in, you read about gastroenteritis. In this article, we want to share ways to prevent gastroenteritis and ways to treat it. Why learn about a digestive health issue if there is no solution?

Not all people that are at risk for gastroenteritis develop the condition. However, everyone can practice healthier habits to reduce the risk of developing it or even transmitting it to your friends and loved ones.

If you live in the same house as someone that has food poisoning or symptoms such as vomiting or diarrhea, avoid contact as much as possible. Of course, if you are their only caretaker, you do not have much of an option. Limiting contact is the best option for reducing your risk of contracting gastroenteritis.

Correct ways to thaw frozen meat:

In the morning, some families plan ahead for dinner time. They reach into the freezer to pull out frozen meat, so it is defrosted in time for dinner. The thawing method you choose if very important.

Defrosting foods in the refrigerator or microwave are the two safest options. Leaving meats out on the counter can pose great risks. We are only human, so there is a big chance you will not perfectly time the thawing process.

A thawed package of meat could potentially be out hours longer than necessary. This is the same as going to the grocery store and leaving the meat out in the grocery bags on the counter for hours before putting them into the refrigerator. Obviously, this is a major risk for gastroenteritis as the meat be spoiled.

Alcohol and digestive health issues:

Drinking alcohol in moderation does not affect some people’s digestive comfort. For others, they do not drink in moderation. The good bacteria in the gut is stripped by the alcohol.

Alcohol is poison essentially, so, as they say, “pick your poison.” Some plants are toxic to people and pets when consumed but not touched. Research the plants in your yard and before adding any new plants to your yard to reduce your kid’s risk for developing poisoning.

Reptiles can be interesting and even affectionate pets, but they carry harmful germs. For households with pregnant women, infants, or young children, do not keep them in your home. If they cannot live outdoors, it may be best to rehome them to a family member or friend for your health.

Avoid using ice cubes in beverage especially when eating fast food or at restaurants. Some ice machines do not connect to filtered water. Join us next time as we share what our gastroenterologists can do for you if you were not able to prevent gastroenteritis.

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