While the world is willing to open their minds to putting health first in order to stay healthy during the pandemic, gut health is high on the list of heavily discussed topics. Our doctors know the importance of gut health, or digestive health. It is our job to share the knowledge to keep Central Florida healthy and informed. Learn how the digestive system and immune system works hand-in-hand.

Gastro health and the immune system:

Think about it. When people eat a guilty pleasure at a carnival, they do not exactly feel up to running a marathon afterwards. The food consumed is not fuel for our bodies but rather a treat.

This food is considered more a treat than food because of its lack of nutritional value. Some people follow the eighty/twenty rule for their eating habits. The eighty/twenty rule means that eighty percent of the time, people choose to eat as clean and properly as they can, and during the twenty percent, they can indulge.

During that twenty percent of the time, nutrients, portions, and ingredients may not be considered as much as they should be. Truly, twenty percent may be far too much time for indulgence because it is all about taking steps towards your best self. Around seventy percent of the body’s immune system dwells in the digestive tract.

How the immune system works:

It is largest mass of lymphoid tissue in the body. Specifically, it is gut-associated lymphoid tissue. For short, this tissue is called GALT.

In this part of the body, there is antigen-presenting cells. The immune response is how the body recognizes and defends itself from bacteria, viruses, and potentially foreign substances that may harm the body. Our bodies’ immune systems recognize and respond to antigens.

Antigens are found on the surface of cells, viruses, fungi, or bacteria. They are usually proteins. Substances such as toxins, chemicals, drugs, and foreign particles can also be antigens. For example, a splinter is foreign to the body.

A healthy immune system will do its best to destroy substances that contain antigens. The body’s cells have proteins that are antigens. However, in a healthy person, the immune system would not attack these antigens.

Innate immunity is something humans are born with. It is the defense system that protects the body from antigens. Innate immunity utilizes barriers to keep harmful materials from entering the body.

These innate immunity barriers are on the front line, if you will. This is the first immune response. Innate Immunity defenses include:

  • cough reflex
  • skin
  • mucus
  • enzymes in tear and skin oils
  • stomach acid

Innate immunity also comes in a protein chemical form according to the National Library of Medicine. This immunity is called innate humoral immunity.

For example, the body’s complement system and substances called interferon and interleukin-1. This causes a fever. When an antigen gets past these barriers, the antigen is attacked and destroyed by other parts of the immune system.

Come back for more:

Next week, we are sharing more about how the immune system relies on gastro health. Make an appointment today if you have any issues with bowel movements, bloating, gas, or diarrhea. Ask our office about what we are doing to ensure we remain a safe, sanitary stop in your day during the pandemic.

Hurry back next time for more!

Staff Writer