When you stopped by last, we shared two to stay healthy during quarantine. Now our readers know, stress relief is beneficial for digestive health. Today, we are sharing more gastro health tips, so continue on.

Track food and water intake:

Last time you popped over to our blog, we shared that stress relief and healthy self-sooting options greatly benefit a healthy digestive system. When a person is stressed, the body may react with diarrhea, loss of appetite, and anxiety. Instead of letting stress get the best of you, make it a point to implement the tips we have shared in the previous two articles.

Although we did not mention it in our last article, drinking water is always a must. Sure, juice, smoothies, and teas have some water in them, but it does not count towards you daily water minimum intake. Invest in a neat water bottle which has notches on the side making it close to impossible to skimp yourself on water intake.

When a person does not drink enough water, there is only so much stress relief that will help. Insufficient water intake will cause anxiety and even more stress on your body. As for protein, a good rule of thumb is half your body weight in ounces.

For instance, a person that weighs 140 pounds should eat around 70 ounces of protein. This naturally aids in cutting out carbs and sugar. The protein will keep your tummy full and your head on straight.

It is very common for people to crave less unhealthy treats without even realizing once a sufficient amount of protein has been consumed. Animal protein is not the only way to get there. Milk, milk alternatives, beans, and chickpea pasta can get you there without much effort.

Remember, if you are feeling stuck at home, focus on being prepared. Cook up a few delicious, nutritious meals. Portion them out and store them for later hungry moments. This will save you from eating foods that are unhealthy and irritate your digestive tract.

Exercise for a healthy digestive system:

Although not everyone can exercise, due to age or injury, many people are stating up new exercise regimens during this quarantine time. Instagram, Youtube, magazines and thousands of blogs are sharing exercises that can be done inside the living room. Some videos show how to work out in your pool or bed.

A healthy digestive tract needs some form of movement. When we are too sedentary, our digestive system will feel punished. Carve out an easy ten minutes a day to start out beginner work outs.

Because many people in quarantine or self-isolation are not resuming normal work days, including servers, teachers, hair stylists, and cooks, they are not getting their normal activity in. This means their bowel movements will likely change. The number on the scale may hike up as well.

Begin we a casual walk around your neighborhood when there are not many people outside. Wear a mask if you live in a populated area. Just be sure to avoid touching any surfaces or walking too close to other active neighbors.

More gastro health tips next time:

Next week, we are sharing more ways to keep your digestive system healthy and happy during quarantine. Again, we want to thank everyone that is working more than ever before. We appreciate and applaud your hard work and perseverance.

Also, thank you to teachers working to keep a sense of normalcy for our nation’s youth. If you can, donate to prevent child hunger in America as many rely on their free lunch they usually receive at school.

Make an appointment today if you are experiencing any unusual bloating, gas, cramping, or digestive issues. Hurry back next time for more gastro health tips and news!

Staff Writer